Revealing Jesus, One Layer at a Time

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Wow! Today I was reminded of something that was revealed to me one day a while back while i was sweeping, of all things. As i was sweeping, i noticed i was just trying to hurry up and get it done so i would find myself having to go back over the same places several times noticing i 'missed a spot'. Anyway, so i took a different approach, using my broom to sweep underneath the counters i used very short strokes. Therefore, only getting a little bit of the yuckiness at one time. Sounds silly, huh? Well, what i noticed was that i wasn't having to go back over the places i had already swept. Hang in there, you will understand why this story is relevant to our Christian walk.

You see, a lot of times, God is so gracious to reveal many things or only one at a time, that are not pleasing to him (the yuck under the counters). And i don't know about you, but as for me, i try like heck to tackle them all at once (the hurrying of the sweeping to get it done) and end up finding them creeping back not too long after i thought i had already dealt with it (the missed spots). However, when that happens, God reminds me that He is cleansing me from the inside out so it is not something that can be taken lightly, or hurried. If we take one step at a time in our walk with Him to become more like Him, then we are able to get in the crevices and every little detail of the area of our lives that is not pleasing to Him (short, frequent strokes of the broom). Sound fun? Yeah, i thought so too.

So, as for me, today i will tackle the area of submission. I thought i was really a pretty submissive helpmate to my husband. However, the other day, God revealed to me that, in fact, i am not as submissive as HE wants me to be. So as i deal with my issue today, i am praying for Him to reveal the areas that I am not so that i can ask Him to help me with that specific 'crumb' , if you will. I better get busy on that! He will be here for lunch so i will, hopefully, have something ready for him. Hey, don't laugh! It's a start :)

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