Revealing Jesus, One Layer at a Time

Monday, January 3, 2011

Facebook 'Notes' of the past-part 5

Broken: part 2
by Robin Haas Speed on Monday, September 27, 2010 at 8:21am

Today i am broken for the students/children/youth of our community. I think the one thing that scares me the most, second only to getting to Heaven and hearing the words, "i don't know you", is for our generation of parents to take part in the 'tradition' of just GOING to Church rather than BEING the Church. I have seen it too many times: adults that grew up in Church but for the first time, as an adult, they realize it is soooo much more than that. It really IS about the RELATIONSHIP that Jesus wants to have with each and every one of us. My prayer is that we, as parents, will acknowledge this and as a result, let it bleed into our children's lives.

So many people have the mind set that they have to change what they do or don't do before they can "go" to Church. I don't know how in the heck we have come to that conclusion but it is absolutely from the pit of hell! Seriously. We all are crazy lunatic individuals that need HIM to save us from all of that so that is why we "go" to church, so all of us crazy lunatics can come together to worship the God of the universe that decided He wanted to save us, and to encourage one another into becoming more like Jesus. One step at a time. For the rest of our lives here on earth. Period. Then, throughout the week, we continue to be in awe at the realization of ALL that HE has done for us. Therefore, we look for opportunities to share the grace, mercy, and love that HE has so selflessly shown us. So yeah, NONE of us are perfect. We ALL screw up. So, for those of you that think Christians are "just a bunch of hypocrites", you are absolutely right! Except i am convinced you have been given the wrong idea of what a "hypocrite" is. We, as believers, are TRYING daily to be molded into perfection as we are on our journey to be more like Jesus. However, we will NOT be perfect this side of eternity. Period.

So yeah, let's come together as a community and change the world, one family at a time. We have been given all we need to do it, we just gotta do this thing!!! Easy? NO! Worth it? YES!

Love and hugs!


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