Revealing Jesus, One Layer at a Time

Monday, January 3, 2011

Facebook 'Notes' of the past-part 2

Really? Is this happening right now?
by Robin Haas Speed on Tuesday, June 23, 2009 at 2:57pm

My word i am truly sportin' a tude today and i just need to get over it, so please forgive me. However, i just have to vent for a minute. People!!! We need to get over ourself!!! "oh, i can't do this" or "i can't serve there" or "i don't like to do that" or "ok, if you insist, i will do it" or "excuse me, but i sit there every Sunday!" or "Sunday is my day, i ain't gettin' up that early to go to Sunday School"...hello!!!! I am pretty sure that if Jesus would have responded in the same way, we would be spending eternity in Hell where we deserve to be.

But wait a minute, Jesus would NOT have responded that way because HE IS LOVE!!!! When we truly recognize how much we have been forgiven for and what has been done FOR us (John 3:16), how can we stay seated in our lil' comfort zones and not serve where we see there is a need? I know this is not a very Christlike attitude, so i am sure it seems like i need to take the plank out of my own eye, but geez people, we are to be the hands and feet of Jesus on a daily basis, not just when we go away on mission trips or do our yearly service with VBS! These are great but they are "get to's" not "have to's."

Anyway, i am truly grateful for all of my brothers and sisters in Christ and i want you to know, if you are reading this, i could not make it without your prayer and support; but come on now friends, we got to get busy!!! (myself included) When is the last time you shared THE GOSPEL with someone?Jus' sayin'! For me, it's been way too long. I am not talkin' about just telling them the "Good News" but also showing them how this amazing true story has transformed our lives. If we can think about what God has done in our life through His Son Jesus and not be excited about it, then we need to do some serious self evaluating.


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