Facebook 'Notes' of the past-part3
by Robin Haas Speed on Thursday, May 13, 2010 at 9:13am
Ok, it's official, i am writing to all my peeps to let you know......It is with great excitement that i announce my one minute notice of resignation from "Christianity" as we know it today. You say "what???!!!" Yeah, you read that right. Read further for details if you are interested. If not interested, then thanks for stopping by and i love you.
So yeah, to understand where we are going with this, we need to know where we are. So here goes.... I am a sinner saved by Grace through the work of Jesus Christ on the Cross. "Well", you say, "what does that mean?" It simply means that it is a fact that I was born into this world a person who is "owned" by the sins of the world. Yeah, no one had to teach me as a baby to tell my mama "no". Nor did anyone have to teach me to crave the attention of the world. No one had to teach me to try some of the stuff i have tried and tried again to use to fulfill this "void" that was in me from the point of conception. No one had to teach me to 'give people the bird' when they ticked me off. All of that just came naturally, therefore, i acted on it. It 'felt good' for the moment, if you will. Some of you reading this may be in complete and utter shock as you reflect on your own experiences and are thinking "oh, i am not anything like that! Bless her heart, she must have made some poor choices. So glad i never did any of that!" Well, reality check, you just did. That is the sin of self-righteousness. So yeah, there ya go, you are not as perfect as your Mom and grandma always told you that you were. And truth be told, none of us are.
So yeah, that's the start of this note in a nutshell. Stay with me for a minute, you will soon find out why i have resigned from 'Christianity' as we know it. This is what has been revealed to me (thru the daily examination of my own walk with Him) in the recent months: you are 'Christian' if you state Christian in the religion preference portion of you facebook profile; you are 'Christian' if you got emotional one day at Church and walked down the isle during invitation at the end of service to announce "Hey everyone, I said the prayer! THE prayer!";you are 'Christian' if you go to church on Wednesdays and Sundays without fail, wearing your "Sunday Best" to show your reverence for the Sabbath Day; you are "Christian" because your parents are; you are "Christian" if you raise your hands in Church during worship; you are 'Christian' if you don't smoke, drink, or cuss; you are 'Christian' if.....need i go on? If that is the case, which it is if you look past your reality and take notice of His reality. "His" meaning Jesus, for those of you that don't have a Master's Degree in the language course of Bible Talk. FYI, i don't even have a 1st grade education in that area. And honestly, i think, "Bible Talk" (language you can only understand if you have years and years of experience growing up in the 'traditional' Church, which is definitely not the case in my life) has kept many people (well, i can only speak for myself) from making their way into a relationship with THE Creator of the Universe (God Almighty). So there you go, as you are reading this, i am already on my journey to my new life as a "Follower of Jesus Christ" (biblical definition of Christianity) and putting all the do's and don'ts of 'Christianity' behind me. Now if you know me and are reading this, you may find me in the midst of some of the above mentioned characteristics of a 'Christian' but i promise you with everything in me, it is out of adoration of Jesus and He has just led me to either take part or not take part in some of these things. You see, He speaks to us individually. He may convict me of something that i am doing and bring me to repentance, where you could be doing the same thing and not feel a conviction whatsoever. That is just how personal He is. He did not die a brutal death on the cross IN OUR PLACE so that we can attend Sunday School, avoid sinful people, sing the right songs, and go to the right church. He did what He did because He loves us and wanted to give us a life full of abundance (John 10:10). "Oh," you say, "that means if i trust Him with my life and every aspect of it, i will be wealthy and comfortable and live happily ever after till He gets here?". Not no, but HELL NO! Yeah, you read that right. That was my true heartfelt answer, and God already knows that thought was there so i might as well let it out! Yeah, you can put on the front of the "perfect little Church going Christian" and try to convince yourself you never have issues of the heart. But He will reveal those issues to you in His timing. Just sit back and watch Him work! Anyway, i could go on and on about how the above mentioned thought (prosperity) is absolute false at it's best. But i will leave that up to you to research His Word and what He says because i don't want you to believe me, but He wants you to believe Him so "try it, you might like it" as Mikey would say on the old cereal commercial. (wow! am i really that old?) Anyway, i have made my announcement and now I feel Him telling me i am rambling so i am bringing this to a close......for now :) I may be back later but in the meantime, know that i am seeking to be more like Him, praying for opportunities to engage the 'lost' and build relationships with them (yes, 'Christians', i have a heart for the sinners, the poor, the druggies, the alcoholics, the 'cutters', etc), and loving Him more and more every step of the way. I am going to ask for your prayers as i approach this journey because i know without doubt that Satan will use his measely tactics to try to lead me astray. So it really gives me comfort knowing that he has already been defeated! You will still find me at the same church 'building', serving in the same way, with the same people, wearing the same clothes. Just know it is NOT because of some 'christian' ritual that i have to take part in to be considered righteous in His sight. It is because i love Him with everything I have and I love the family of believers that He has blessed me with, therefore, i want to spend time with them and serve with them as He leads me in my relationship with Him. So there it is. I pray that if you are reading this and God is tugging on your heart to surrender your lives to Him, that you will listen to Him and not miss out on the opportunity. You are gonna screw up on this journey, period. But He will lead you in such a way that you will feel the hope and forgiveness that only He is able to provide. If you are reading this thinking, "oh no, Robin has gone off the deep end. I really need to pray for God to bring her to repentance for not considering a building to be the Church.", then you just do that. Pray for me. Because know that I will be praying for you as well. Love you like nobody's business :)
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